Breaking Free Page 7
“I didn’t mean it like that…,” Brandon stammered. “I mean….” A lost memory popped into his head from his experience with Fitch’s computer. He rubbed the temples on both sides of his forehead.
“I know that Fitch is bad. I can’t prove it but look at me. Why would a reporter need to have a biomechanical virus on his computer? What’s he hiding?”
He could see her angry face in the low light. “Oh, I should believe the word of a computer hacker? Get out!”
Brandon didn’t want to go. He knew there was something special between them. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He held his shoulders low and scooted off the couch.
XJ walked him to the kitchen window—all the while ranting. “Get out and don’t come back! Of all the nerve! Coming in here and pretending to be my friend; when all you really wanted was the story!”
Brandon tried to explain, but couldn’t get the words out. He slunk down and climbed out of the window. XJ slammed it shut and locked it. He couldn’t make her understand. He did want the exclusive. But what he really wanted was to hang out with XJ.
How can I prove to her that I’m on the up-and-up?
Chapter 15
“A GEP Revolutionary always pops up close to CAGE.”
—Anonymous Revolutionary
XJ turned around to face the darkness from the kitchen to the living room. Her mind and body were at war. On the one hand, Brandon had her feeling warm inside. And on the other he infuriated her.
Is this dude trying to play me or what? She stormed into the living room—crashing into furniture. I am beyond pissed. Why is my life so complicated?
Scrambling through the pitch black hallway and into her room, she went straight for her bed. The pillows made a whooshing sound as she fell face first. Her day rushed back through her mind. Brandon was now the least of her worries.
What about my mom? How can I save her from a mind swipe? Torn between wanting her mother to be safe, and wanting to give up on the Revolution crap, she flipped over to face her ceiling.
Well, her mother did teach her how to survive given horrible odds. Her life was like the book, Worse Case Scenario. Her mother drilled her with a million, different scenarios so she knew what to do.
Most of the time. She pulled out her phone again. Still nothing from dad. Why hasn’t he called me?
Exhaustion took over. She hadn’t rested. Pulling out the provisions from the pack under her bed, she found a small flash light. At least, I could change out of this outfit and get some rest.
Since she had no idea what might happen, she opted to put on a pair of cargo pants, an oversized shirt, and moccasins. She grabbed her favorite pillow, an army sleeping bag, and her soft blanket. She pulled down the crawlspace stairs next to the door of her room.
Dorothy had created this space for them to hide in case of emergency. The naked eye couldn’t see the latch. And the line was seamless from the outside, so it looked like a small, dry wall scratch.
Her mother had tried to make the crawlspace comfy when she was a kid. They’d hide in there for fun and games as practice. It felt like home. She’d drawn chalk drawings on the wall as a child. Tramping into the space, she crawled up and fastened the hatch. Her mother had also created eye-holes, so they could see down unnoticed.
XJ shined the light around. They hadn’t hid up here in a while. She swiped at the few stray spider webs and crawled closer to the two mattresses. Dust released as she flipped one over. She sneezed and the tired weariness called for her to rest more. She got everything situated and switched out the flashlight.
Her mind wandered. I wonder what Brandon is up to? Even though he’s pissed me off, I’m really starting to crush on him hard. Soon, she drifted off to sleep.
XJ awoke to voices. Someone was in the house. She sat up, bit her lip and tried to stop her heart from pumping so fast. Afraid to move too much, she rolled over and moved to a peep hole. CAGE officers milled around. XJ’s eyes widened through the peep hole, as fear crawled up and down her spine. Would they find her?
She heard a familiar voice.”I know she’s here somewhere.” It was the social worker, Ms. Hughes! She tightened her internal defenses. The social worker’s mind slithered out and touched hers. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she fought back fiercely.
She slammed her hand down to increase her conscious control. The social worker wriggled into her mind. XJ held her body and mind erect but she felt like a mouse inside of a cat’s trap. The battle between them seemed to go on forever.
XJ felt the strong compulsion to come out of her hiding place. Her legs moved but she couldn’t do anything about it. Somewhere in her consciousness she let out an angry curse. A ring-tone snapped her back into her right mind. Who would be calling her? She quietly searched around for her phone and realized that she’d left it in her bedroom.
I can’t believe I was so stupid! She wiped off dusty webs and crawled around to the peep hole that was in her room.
Ms. Hughes answered, “Patterson residence.” XJ strained to hear the conversation.
“I’m sorry Mr. Patterson but your ex-wife has been taken into custody, and we’re currently searching for your daughter.”
It’s dad! XJ desperately needed to speak to him.
“Oh, no…. Don’t worry. XJ will be well taken care of until you get back. She’ll be in the custody of CAGE.”
She heard her father’s voice but couldn’t make out what he said.
“Yes, your wife … since she’s a step parent, we’re unable to release your daughter to her. Sorry, your daughter must go to Zone 6.” Ms. Hughes was searching her room while she talked to her father.
XJ’s heart dropped. How would she communicate with her father? Angry tears pushed through and XJ wiped her face with the back of her hand. She hated her life. She hated having to hide.
The social worker hung up her phone and slid it into her pocket. “XJ, I know you’re here. Come out, come out wherever you are.”
The social worker’s compulsion slammed into her consciousness with a vengeance. How would she get out of this? She plopped down on the floor. She crossed her legs and arms. She resigned to stay in the crawl space at all costs. She refused to reveal herself. Beads of cold sweat rolled down her face. Her mouth shuttered.
She’d taken a stand. Sheer will allowed her to sit in a hyper- meditative state.
Her mother’s words flooded her mind and calmed her. She began building a wall around her mind. Her head ached but she finished building an iron wall between them. She didn’t know how it happened, but it kept her safe. Drenched and anxiety shaken, XJ pushed her back against the wall and waited for CAGE to leave.
After what seemed like an eternity, she heard the social worker. “I know I sensed her presence, but now there’s nothing. She’s gone. Did you see her out back?”
A male voice responded, “No, the offspring has not been detected.”
“Well.” There was shrug in the social worker’s voice. “Let’s wait this one out. Cut the power to the house, but leave the entrance access unmonitored. We’ll catch her eventually.”
XJ heard the house clear out. But to be safe, she stayed in her hiding place. With shaky hands, she took out a protein bar and ate. What was she going to do? The social worker had her phone and the house had no power. What a mess!
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. If they captured her so be it. She had no idea how she was going to get out of this. She slid down and looked around. The house was completely empty.
The early morning sun shone through the windows. Everything seemed normal. She could hear the birds chirping as if it were just another day in the Patterson home. She moved into the living room with her hands on her hips and surveyed the disaster.
Her eyes moved towards the ring as it glistened in the sunlight. With all of the drama she’d forgotten about her grandfather. Would he still be there since CAGE had cut the power?
She ran over to the ring and put it on. Someone bear hugged her
from behind. She turned around to face a CAGE officer. He’d been waiting for her. The front door crashed open.
She was surrounded.
XJ let out a yell and tried to stomp the CAGE officer in the foot. “Let go of me! Get your hands off me!”
A variety of arms grabbed XJ as the CAGE officers wrestled her to the ground. She kicked, punched, and yelled until her throat was raw. “Help me!”
The social worker’s voice was sneaking inside her mind to calm her down. XJ erected the iron wall.
Ms. Hughes said, “This one’s strong.”
Suddenly, a blue light blinded everyone. A rush of adrenaline pushed into her. What’s going on now?
She heard a mechanical voice telling her to cover her ears. She ducked and covered. A blasting tone surged throughout the room. Everyone standing grabbed their heads and passed out. XJ lay on the bottom of the pack in the fetal position with her hands over her ears.
“Over here! Hurry, doll!” Dr. Gary Leonard Kates, now a holograph, was motioning for her to enter into the wall opening.
She pushed her way out of the pack of CAGE officers. She’d almost entered the wall, but turned around and pulled her phone out of the social worker’s pocket.
She rushed through the wall.
The brightness of the laboratory blinded her. It seemed as if the lab was encased in an iridescent metal. Her grandfather beckoned to her to come further inside. Another metal wall clicked into place.
He was watching the multiple computer monitors in the house. The CAGE officers and Ms. Hughes woke up. She could hear the conversations from the monitors but it was like she was in a different dimension. The social worker appeared to be trying to compel her but gave up. They finally cleared out of the house and searched her yard.
“Don’t worry, doll,” Gary said. “They can’t find you in here.” He studied them, scratching his beard. “I built this place like a fortress.”
“Granddad Kates?” XJ asked in bewilderment. “OMG! How is this happening?” She walked over and touched him. She expected her hand to slide through. But he felt solid … like flesh and blood.
She stared in disbelief. Could this really be happening? She didn’t know what to think or do.
It seemed as if she moved from one crazy event to the other. She continued to poke at her grandfather. “You’re real … but when I saw you on the outside I could see through you.” She continued to poke him.
Dr. Kates smiled. “You can stop that any time you get ready. The closer I am to my super-computer and conductor, the more real my holographic body appears. The further away … well, you get the picture.” Her grandfather swiveled his chair back towards the monitors.
XJ found a chair, plopped down like a rag doll, and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. “So now you’re going to tell me that you’ve been hiding in here—for 15 years?”
Her grandfather gazed at her intensely. At length he said, “My story is a long, complicated scientific journey. But I can certainly explain it to you in layman’s terms, if you’d like.”
XJ readjusted her braided ponytail. With the rubber band in her mouth, she mumbled. “The spark notes version will do.” She got her hair back into a ponytail. “On second thought, just save it. I’ve got enough to deal with as it is.”
Gary let out a defeated sigh. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad to finally be able to see you as a teen. Your mother thought it best that we not tell you … until something like this happened.”
“Of course. Keep XJ in the dark. That so works for me.” She rolled her head back and let out a scream. She stopped when she realized that CAGE was still outside; and jammed her knuckles to her lips instead.
“It’s okay. Yell or scream. They won’t be able to hear you.” Her grandfather walked over and kissed her forehead. “Dorothy and I both know how hard this has been on you. But I promise, all will be revealed.”
“Psycho babble won’t work on me granddad. Mom has been filling my head up for too long.”
They heard a crash on one of the monitors. XJ rushed to see. “What was that?”
He continued to study them on the monitor. “Hmm … they appear to be looking for another hiding space. They certainly won’t find you now. But I have something for them if they keep looking.”
“Wait … it looks like they’re leaving.” Her grandfather switched the monitors. They watched everyone clear out.
Feeling relieved, she slowly slid back into her chair. “So if you could’ve helped, why didn’t you help my mom?”
“It wasn’t that simple, doll.” Her grandfather’s image looked as if he’d suddenly gone older and grayer. “Your mother knew that you weren’t prepared, and that you’d be left without the ring or knowledge of me. You’re far too important for that.”
“Enough with the revolutionary bull!”
Her grandfather swiveled around, looking angry. “Young ladies don’t talk like foul-mouthed mercenaries! I think I’ve heard enough of your vulgarities for one day!”
XJ sucked the irritation through her teeth. “Fine! I’m a kid in need of her mother. Not some revolutionary in need of a cause.”
Her grandfather studied her closely and scratched his beard. “XJ, you are more important than you know. We’ve sacrificed everything, so you and your cousins would be prepared to neutralize CAGE. This is the reason you exist.”
She leaped up in a fit of anger. She didn’t care anymore. Tears streamed down her face as she gestured. “Are you kidding me? Unbelievable! Un fr … ea … king believable.”
Her grandfather dropped back and surveyed her from a distance. His manner made her feel like a lab rat. Why does everyone want something from me? I’m N-O-T a revolutionary.
She just wanted to be a normal teenager. Was that so hard for everyone to accept?
Chapter 16
“The less a GEP knows about the inner workings of CAGE, the more he trusts those who hold the power; And the more he trusts those in power, the more likely he’ll become their victim.”
—Dr. Gary Leonard Kates, Revolutionary
Her grandfather massaged the gray beard on his face again. He wasn’t responding to her tears. XJ wanted to storm out of the lab, but she wasn’t sure if CAGE had really gone. She felt pissed off at the both of them.
Did dad know too? Why was I left out? Why does everyone want me to be a revolutionary?
She slid back into the chair. Everything took hold of her and she felt overwhelmed. She wanted a better life for herself. Her grandfather walked over and rubbed her back.
“I’m so sorry, XJ … I’m so sorry.” Gary repeated softly. “We never meant for any of this to happen.” His soothing voice faded in and out. She finally quieted and a sense of relief flooded her. She wiped her tears from her face with the back of her arm.
“So, what am I missing?”
Dr. Kates straightened his back. “Well, I certainly don’t miss the up and down hormones of a teen girl. Let’s see. Where do I begin?”
“Why don’t you start with how I can help my mom?” XJ folded her arms tight. Her stomach jumped up and down.
“Dorothy uncovered some important information when she went undercover—information that got her in a bind.”
“What? Would you stop being so secretive already?”
He cleared his throat and graciously continued. “In her mission to locate your cousins, she came across material that suggested that CAGE was creating a mechanism by which to control all genetically-enhanced persons.” He paused.
XJ blurted out, “So are you saying mom uncovered a plan for CAGE to take over the world?”
Dr. Kates gave a flat smile. “There are no games here, doll. This is for real. Look for yourself.” He pulled up documents on a viewing screen. XJ pulled the screen closer and examined them.
She put her hands behind her head and eased back into her seat. “This proves that she’s innocent! This is what I’ve been looking for! Proof—proof that I can give to that reporter, Fitch!”
“No, XJ. I highly advise against that. People like him are not to be trusted….” Her grandfather tried to explain.
She leapt up in frustration and pointed at the screen. “No, you hold on! I’ve been sitting here on pins and needles, trying to figure out how I can get my mom out of this, and here is my answer.”
Dr. Kates settled back again in his examination mode. He said, “Well, it’s not like I can stop you. But before you share this, you need to know more about your cousins and how you all were designed to dismantle CAGE.”
XJ heard nothing. She’d become fixated on the CAGE documents and freeing her mother. She took out her drive and loaded the documents. Her mind and heart raced. She could give these to Fitch! He would use them to put pressure on CAGE to free her mother. She was liking the idea more and more.
She heard her grandfather rattling on about destiny and long, lost family members. But her soul focused on freeing her mother. She slipped the drive in her pocket and asked, “Grandad is there a back exit to this lab? I’ve got something to do.”
XJ’s thumb played with the small drive in her pocket, while she rode on the MARTA bus. Her body lurched at each bus stop. She was drawing closer and closer to freeing her mother, and returning to the somewhat normal life she’d had before. She wanted nothing to do with the stupid Revolution. In fact, she felt like going far, far away to college to get away from the mess.
“Downtown Decatur next exit…,” The bus driver’s voice announced. The normalcy of riding the bus versus listening to her holographic grandfather struck her. She didn’t understand what he was rattling on about—distant cousins, and the fact that they’d all been enhanced to become a super weapon. It was all too much for her to deal with!
Apprehension filled her as the bus pulled up to her exit. This has to work! CAGE will have to let mom go after this!
She marched with determination to Fitch’s office. On the phone, he sounded excited about working with her story. She could already see the headlines: Dorothy Kates Patterson Freed. CAGE rescinds charges.